Shipping & Delivery
All handbags ship with Signature Required via FedEx. An adult will need to be present for delivery, and sign for your package. You will receive tracking updates as they are available. It is the Clients responsibility to be at the address at the time of delivery and keep up with delivery notifications. Shipping estimations vary and cannot be guaranteed, as handbags are sourced, and hand painted to order. Typically, handbags ship in approximately 4-8 weeks.Â
Completion Times:
Our service begins once your order is placed. We are particular in the quality of the authentic, preloved handbag that we diligently source and purchase for our clients. The Artwork process takes many, many hours and requires adequate drying time between layers. If you need your handbag by a specific date, please email and we will see if it is possible to accommodate your request prior to completing your purchase.
Shipping costs will not be refunded for any exchanged items or returns. New Vintage is not responsible for third party shipping & delivery. Client claims full responsibility of delivery if they choose to make changes to the original delivery location or original delivery date. New Vintage only accepts third party delivery confirmation.